Since at least the dawn of 2001, many politicians, professors, teachers, actors, musicians, media moguls, and musicians, as well as millionaires, billionaires, unions, leaders of other nations, and even a former Vice President and President of the United States banded together in a liberal socialist movement to criticize, curse, ridicule, slander, defame, and insult the President of the United States of America, George W. Bush.
A humble man of faith, he did not once lash back at his critics, ridicule his rivals, or demean dissenters. Not once did he pass judgement, nor degrade the motives of the many who so indignantly, defiantly, and ungraciously attacked him as a human being, a man, a father, and a president.
Michael Moore, George Soros, Al Gore, John Kerry, Howard Dean, Jimmy Carter, Ted Kennedy, Hilary Clinton, Barbara Boxer, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Bill Mahr, Opra Winfrey, and many many more liberal democrats served as harbingers of hatred, and messengers of malice, predjudice, utter animosity and contempt. And then they accused President Bush of dividing the country.
These same people, these are the leaders of the left; the modern-day dignitaries of the Democratic Party of America. They attempt to glorify themselves and their party by quoting phrases from great American Democrats like John F. Kennedy, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, and others.
Many of today's Democrats do dishonor to the words, deeds, values, and ideals of the truly patriotic presidents of their party's past. Yes, today's Progressive Socialist Democrats are little more than a shadowy image of those heralded leaders of yesterday.
Could you in even your most hallucinogenic state picture John F. Kennedy saying "wrong war, wrong time, wrong place" while our troops are engaged in combat, or Franklin D. Roosevelt ever yelling out, "He lied! He Betrayed us! He played on our fears!" after an American Commander-in-Chief had committed our nation's most courageous to combat. And I am absolutely positive you would never hear Woodrow Wilson compare an American President to Adolf Hitler, or describe a president's administration with words like "Bush Gulag" or "digital Brown Shirts".
However, many members of today's Democratic Party have done so continuously and maliciously. They remember the words and the names of John F. Kennedy, Harry Truman, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Thomas Jefferson. However, I fear today's Democratic politicians have forgotten these great leaders, their legacy, who they were, what they stood for; it was more than a political party, it was America, one nation, one people, once upon a time.
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