In the September 26, 2005 article "Madam President, Madam President" at, Kristen Lombardi writes, "Imagine this: You see a woman, tall and elegant, with a power-flip hairdo and ruby lips, take an oath of office. You hear her aides call out the words, "Madam President."

Could it be the predominantly liberal media and Hollywoodians have started their presidential push for Hillary in 2008? Afterall, they almost helped Senator John Kerry and his "tall and elegant" wife "with a power-flip hairdo and ruby lips" get into the White House in 2004, but fell a little short in the home stretch when they began counterfeiting documents and running false stories about President Bush on CBS 60 Minutes and other shows. Fortunately, the media coup attempt was revealed to Americans prior the election.

So this time around, ABC television will be a little more subtle than CBS. They will attempt to influence America's choice for "Commander-in-Chief" using a television show that depicts Gina Davis at the helm of the United States of America. In the show, Ms. Davis sports dark hair instead of a dirty blonde Hillary hairdo. Afterall, a dirty blonde "do" would be too much like Hillary, and perhaps appear a little too coincidental.

And as Lombardi writes in her article, "It's timely, too, what with speculation about Senator Hillary Clinton making a White House bid in 2008. Polls show 39 percent of Democrats favor Clinton as the party's next pick, compared with 21 percent for John Kerry." Poor Senator Kerry. He received a "Dear John" letter from America in 2004, and it looks as if he will get another from his own party in 2008.

Ms. Lombardi also quoted Bob Kunst of as saying, "Hillary must have friends at ABC.....This is just too much of a coincidence."

Yes, it is almost an unbelievable coincidence, especially given the fact that one of the show's main writers, Steve Cohen, was Hillary's deputy communications director in the 1990s while she was the First Lady of the United States. What a surprise!

So as we head toward the 2008 election, keep your eyes and ears on the media and Hollywood as they prime their mass media pipelines and intensify their efforts to influence the presidential elections with the hopes of making Hillary Clinton the next "Commander-in-Chief."