If you watch ABC, NBC, CBS, and CNN you no doubt have the impression that Mrs. Sheehan is the only one who lost a son during the war in Iraq. The media tends to ignore the over 1,900 other American families who lost loved ones in Iraq. Why doesn't the press provide continuous coverage of the other families who lost their husbands, wives, sons, and daughters in Iraq? The answer should be obvious. The mainstream media elite are also against the war, and they need an icon for their anti-war movement, so they can create a situation similar to what our nation experienced during Vietnam. I suppose they figure that if they did it back then, they can do it again.
But what are the stakes this time?
Is it wise to pull our troops out before Iraq is stable and fully capable of defending its new-found fragile democracy against the murderous thugs of Sadam's former Baathist regime, and the anti-democratic elements in Syria, Iran, and other nearby Arab nations?
What happens if Al Qaeda gets a strong grip on Iraq?
If we pull out of Iraq, will the bad terrorists go away and leave us alone?
Or will our children have to fight an even larger, stronger, and much more dangerous terrorist force in the future?
Think about these questions. The answers are not that difficult to figure out.
And while you are pondering those questions, ask yourself this question. If getting our troops out of Iraq is so important to Mrs. Sheehan, the media, and other liberals, why not bring all of our troops home?
What troops you ask? Ah, have you forgotten them?
I am talking about the troops still in Germany, Japan, Korea, and Bosnia as a result of the exit strategies of a few Presidents, who happen to have been Democrats. As a matter of fact, when President Bill Clinton sent our troops to Bosnia on December 3rd, 1995, he said he would have them home by Christmas? Well, that was about 10 years ago, and our troops are still there. In all honesty, I guess he didn't actually specify a particular year, decade, or century when they would be pulled out of Bosnia. By the way, I don't hear anyone referring to them as occupiers.
And what about Presidents Woodrow Wilson and Franklin D. Roosevelt? What were their exit strategies for World War I and II? When did they plan to get our troops out of Germany and Japan? After 116,708 Americans were killed and 204,002 were wounded during the 19 months of combat in WWI, or after another 407,316 Americans were killed and 670,846 were wounded in the 44 months we fought in WWII.
And have our troops ever been completely removed from Germany and Japan? I think not. We have maintained a military presence in both of those nations since the end of World War II, over 60 years ago. But no one calls either of them empire builders?
I would like to know when President Harry S. Truman had planned to bring all of our troops home from the Korean War? It has been over 40 years and our troops are still there. We lost 33,651 American lives, another 103,284 were wounded, and an unknown number of U.S. Servicemen and women who were never accounted for, nor reported by the Truman administration during the 37 months of the Korean War. And no one calls him an imperialist.
I want Senator Kennedy, Senator Clinton, Senator Kerry, Congressman Wrangell, and all of the other doubting Democrats to explain the exit strategies for these wars!
I don't recall hearing any democrats calling those troops terrorists, and the enemy forces freedom fighters. And I didn't hear any liberals slandering Presidents Roosevelt, Wilson, or Truman by referring to them as imperialists, fascists, or Nazis.
But anyway, getting back to the brief history lesson on Democrat exit strategies, let's try to figure out what President John F. Kennedy's or President Lyndon B. Johnson's exit strategy was for Vietnam?
Only 58,168 Americans were killed and 153,303 wounded during 90 months of combat in Viet Nam, and we lost that war because of left wing protesters who, after Nixon was elected, crawled out of their communes and protested just long enough and loud enough to make Nixon pull out of Vietnam.
I seems that the war in Vietnam was the only major war with a real exit strategy in the 20th century. And by golly, that was a totally Democrat-driven all hands abandon ship drill led by the very same people who demand an exit strategy for Iraq today. Isn't that quite a coincidence? Once more it is Senator Kennedy, Senator Kerry, Senator Clinton, and Jane Fonda, only this time they have a combined cast of old and new Democrat stars and muscians to aid them in defeating America in her fight to free Iraq and the world of terrorism. Not to mention all of the leftist let's-make-love-not-war college professors and students who wouldn't fight the enemy in the 1960s, but did attack, fight, and even spit on American troops who returned from Vietnam!
And today, some of those very same cowards are principals, chancelors, and leaders in our education system who want to ban military R.O.T.C. units, and recruiters from college campuses. They are the very people responsible for teaching our children to hate America first, and that terrorists are freedom fighters.
They don't teach our children about the atrocities committed after we left Vietnam? And there won't be any leaders in the Democrat Party talking about what happened after we left the "QUAGMIRE" in Vietnam either. And the reason they don't talk about it is simple. Almost one million innocent Vietnamese men, women, and children were slaughtered at the hands of the murderous regime that took control after we jumped ship in Vietnam.
Now, wasn't that a brilliant exit strategy? Please Teddy, Johnny, Janey, and Hilly, can we do that again? Only this time, can we leave the innocent Iraqi men, women, and children at the mercy of the good Baathists, Saddam loyalists, and friendly Al Qaeda freedom fighters! It will be just like Vietnam all over again. Doesn't that sound like fun?
And while we're at it, we can leave the terrorists with an oil rich breeding ground from which they can generate billions and billions of dollars and create unimaginable fun toys of terror, including neat nuclear and chemical capabilities.
Now, for those Americans who want to cut and run from Iraq, you had better pull your heads out of your....but anyway, you better give this situation some very, very serious consideration.
It's time to stop the stupidity, end the insanity, and get together as a nation to defeat the forces of terrorism in Iraq and elsewhere. And when we win this war, that will be our exit strategy. That will be our legacy for our children, the children of Iraq, and the children of the world.
Then and only then, can we all rest peacefully, at least until the next threat to freedom rises.
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